Dr Rachel Bartlett

Consultant anaesthetist

Primary medical qualifications:


GMC number:



Rachel Bartlett


Dr Rachel Bartlett undertook her undergraduate training at the University of Sheffield. She started her anaesthetic training at Barts and The London and completed it at the Imperial School of Anaesthesia.  She has worked in multiple hospitals across London and South Yorkshire and spent one year in Australia. Additional roles include college tutor for anaesthetic trainees at St Mary’s Hospital, national emergency laparotomy lead and trained mentor. Interests include obstetrics, emergency surgery, trauma, general and gynaecology surgery.


Obstetrics, emergency surgery, trauma, general and gynaecology surgery

Research & publications

Recent publications:

Bartlett R, 2013, Routine use of dexamethasone for postoperative nausea and vomiting: the case against

Bartlett R, Robinson PN, Nel MR, Lucas DN, 2012, General anaesthesia in obstetrics: what about the trainers? Int J Obstet Anaesth, Abstracts of free papers presented at the annual meeting of OAA; 21 issue S1:S55

Bartlett R, Gough K, 2009, Report on Cases and Controversies meeting 2012. Pencilpoint magazine

Bartlett R, Jackson G and Yentis SM, 2009, Forces required to remove a bougie from different tracheal tubes Anaesthesia 64, Issue 7, July

Jackson GNB, Bartlett R, Yentis SM, 2009, Forces required to remove bougies from tracheal tubes. Anaesthesia Vol 64, Issue 3, March